General rules:

  1. Attendees are expected to reach the venue well in time before the scheduled time of the event.

  2. For paid events, the fee includes Rs 300, that you can redeem for F&B at any Doolally Taproom in Mumbai. You will receive it as a code in an email from us, along with your booking confirmation details. However, if you are using a discount coupon code, your fee will not include F&B.
    For free events, we don't levy a cover charge. You can place an F&B order and settle your bill at the end of the event.

  3. You will also be given access to a dashboard. This is where you can contact the organisers or us for more details. You can also cancel your attendance here.

  4. Doolally will bear the 2.24% payment gateway fees except during cancellations by either the organiser or attendee.

  5. If you need to cancel your attendance to an event, you can, we will refund your money. However, the payment gateway transaction fee of 2.24% will be borne by you.

  6. If an organiser cancels the event, we will refund the full amount to you.

  7. Instamojo is our payment partner. Please check out their credentials here -

  8. In case you are unable to attend the workshop, and haven't managed to cancel your attendance 2 hours before the workshop, you will be considered as a No Show.

  9. In this case, 50% of the workshop amount would be refunded to you (the attendee) after deducting transaction fees of 2.24-5%, 50% will be paid to the organiser, as reimbursement for materials & equipment that you would have purchased for the attendee.

  10. Contact:
  11. Email:

Book Launch & Signing: Baatein Beyond Borders

Join us for the launch of avid travel writer Antarik Anwesan's debut book: "Baatein Beyond Borders - Unplanned Encounters that Enrich the Soul". The event will include a meet & greet with the author, a storytelling and Q&A session, and finally the book launch and signing.

About the book: Ever wondered how to overcome the first-day jitters in a foreign land? Is solo travel your thing? Curious about the easiest way to strike up a conversation with a stranger? Intrigued by the idea of exploring offbeat adventures? Ever peeked into a volcano's crater and seen its secrets from the rim? And are Thai massages as exotic as they sound?

Baatein Beyond Borders is an autobiographical account of tales of travel, where Antarik Anwesan, an introverted wanderer, unfolds a decade-long saga of life, locales, and lucid conversations. Rejecting social norms, he heads out on a profound quest for meaning and the elusive pursuit of inner peace, while grappling with finances and charting a resume the professional world doesn’t appreciate.

Join this literary expedition where seemingly ordinary exchanges birth extraordinary tales. It's an invitation to wander, wonder, and relish the magic of shared stories that transcend borders, leaving an indelible mark on the soul.

PS : Anyone under the age of 21 must be accompanied by a parent


Doolally Taproom, Khar


11:30 am-01:00 pm, Sun, Apr 7, 2024


Antarik Anwesan

